Story Theatre needs your help!
We’re a little company with a major impact, and despite difficulty we’ve still got a story to tell!
Local arts programs are in trouble and need your support.
For the third consecutive year Story’s core staff are confronting layoffs. Grant timelines have shifted, and Operating programs are closed until 2026/27. Sadly, the evidence is showing us that it only takes 6 months of grant delays in a high-stakes moment of recovery to threaten the future of a professional arts organization. After taking a Canada Business Savings loan out to employ artists at the height of the pandemic in 2020 and 2021, and with earned revenues still down by 85%, we have a $20,000 grant to repay by December and we need more flexible funding to do so. WHAT’S NEXT?
We’re not giving up. We’re an award-winning team with a practice that’s celebrated by our peers, and we're planning to do what we do best. Tell stories! 44 YEARS of making and touring theatre means there are countless stories & memories to share about the impact this company has had on audiences and artists alike. HELP US TELL THEM.
OUR GOAL is to raise $45,000 by our 45th season. We plan to do this over 12 months through:
- Hosting a series of fundraising events featuring local artists
- Seeking private donations, from individuals and businesses, via Canada Helps
- Releasing a series of 45 stories (or more!) to keep the impact Story Theatre has had on thousands (perhaps hundreds of thousands?) of people's lives present over the course of the campaign.
Consider making a one time or monthly charitable donation on our Canada Helps page.
Help organize a fundraiser or volunteer.
Connect us with businesses or foundations that support youth programming.
Tell us how Story Theatre has impacted your life; share your Story Theatre story or share the 45k for 45 years campaign with Story Theatre alumni & audiences to help us collect stories.
Provide space to host a fundraising event - for adults, or for families
Provide space to host a Baby Theatre pop-up event - for the very young
Print a campaign poster and display it, or put out a tip jar
Donate goods or services that Story can auction or raffle
Sponsor an event
Sign up to perform or host a fundraising event
How about a cheeky tip number or donation jar at your next gig?
Bring a fundraising poster and
We thank you for helping us save Story Theatre.
With love,
The Story Theatre Team